What are the most meaningful trends seen in the area of industry these days?

The topic of industry for many people, who are asked about it, has relatively bad connotations. It is connected with the fact that we refer this term often to the emission of greenhouse gases, which are quite harmful for the environment as well as are developed by almost each factory. In different spheres there are also plenty of wastes developed, which is very harmful for the state of our planet.


Autor: Adam Moss
Źródło: http://www.flickr.com
Nevertheless, in the reality we ought to also be aware of the fact that for instance this area is responsible for a variety of positive facts, such as establishing new buildings, progress of the technology etc. This proves that despite the fact that the services are becoming more and more meaningful in improving amount of countries, we are recommended to also be aware of the fact the role of the previously analyzed topic is very fundamental.

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Thus, a lot of professionals in the sphere of economy alarm that European crisis in this field may have much worse results than we think (if we even do this).

This European crisis in the previously presented field refers to the fact that on our continent increasing percentage of factories are either closed or the amount of people employed in them is considerably minimized. It is connected with the fact that, first and foremost, in terms of industry there is a significant rivalry from young economies, which have one common advantage for investors – quite low labor costs, which are connected with high labor supply.

As a result, hiring European employees for them is no longer attractive from financial point of view, which implies that the trend in the future is more likely to be related to picking countries such as China, India, Brazil or Russia.

To conclude, the developments in the topic of industry reflect the actual economical situation on the Earth and the most important trends related to it. The trend is likely to be connected from switching the supply more to the East (from Europe), but still our continent is possible to play a significant role regards improving the technology.